Seirei gensouki season 3 release date

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Seirei gensouki season 3 release date

2023-03-14 11:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Seirei gensouki season 3 release date


2016.12.08 04:05 kcboy102 Isekai

Isekai Subreddit. A place to discuss everything related to Isekai Stories. Manga, Anime, Light Novels, Web Novels, Games, etc. [link]

2011.03.26 08:16 cpt_bluebear Muppets!

A reddit for all things Muppet. The Muppet Show, Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Sam & Friends, Fraggle Rock, Sesame Street, and more! [link]

2016.03.11 04:06 baxteria PvZ: Heroes

The community on reddit for Plants vs Zombies: Heroes. A competitive, lane-based card game developed by Popcap and published by EA. It does not get updated anymore but we're still around! Join our discord at [link]

2023.03.14 04:47 BlackSunPublishing Hard Knock Life Chapter Fifteen: A Day In The Black Skies

[First] [Previous] I felt like shit for the next few days after Dutch and the Doctor came by. My ribs were healing pretty quickly though, thanks to the skilled medical staff. I had found out they were pretty seasoned, most of them having been with the ship for years. The day we were set to arrive at New Nassau the doctor finally cleared me to get up and move around. It would be another few weeks before I was fully healed with what the Silver Falcon’s medbay could provide, but I fully intended to take my self to one of the hospitals planetside once my payout had cleared. The stump of my left arm was a nuisance, though I wouldn’t have to deal with it for long. Dutch and the Doctor had both recommended going to Harper Medical to get fitted with an augmetic, and for a rapid restorative treatment. I knew my mom was going to freak out once I got back to Koriba. I was dreading that conversation, but others were going to be worse. I pushed the thought from my mind, I was going to see my three surviving friends from the station down in the machine room. I had met Monty yesterday when he brought dinner down to me. He was a skinny, birdlike looking guy, only a few years older than I was. The questions had been non-stop about how I had survived on the station. “Hey, is Monty around?” I asked one of the technicians as I came into the workspace. He just flicked his head back towards the large fabricators. I had gotten the cold shoulder treatment from most of the crew I had met, especially the security guys. “Hey, Hertz! Over here. I’ve got something for you.” Monty called over at me from a control booth. I made my way up a short metal frame staircase to the platform to the machinist. “What is it, an easy girl and booze? I hope so.” I only half joked. The doctor had made sure of it that I hadn’t gotten a drop to drink since I came in, citing one his tests showing ‘heavy evidence of alcohol dependence’. “Nope, it’s a mech arm from one of our damage control suits. It’s got a redundancy adapter to plug into that stub cap you’re wearing. Should hold you over till you can get a proper prosthetic.” Monty finished out his commands on the terminal. Behind us, the fabricator door hissed open, and a freshly assembled titanium arm was slid out. “Thanks man, what do I owe you?” Was all I could think to say. “If you really gotta give me something, take a few of us out for drinks once we’re let off the ship. Dutch, Jackie, a few of the techs around here have a spot on the beach we like. Consider this a thanks for the survival lessons.” Monty gestured for me to hold my stump out, and took the limb out of the fabricator. “It’s going to take a bit to get used to, so if you want I can run you down the basics of how it works. The prosthetic function is a secondary feature, so it won’t be as clean as a normal augment arm.” Monty warned as he lined up the mounts. I heard a click as the replacement socketed into the metal cap on my arm. “I’d appreciate it, thanks again Monty. Does it have any tools built in, or just the hand?” I asked, gently trying to flex the fingers. I could feel the metal limb in a dull, asleep kind of way. “Nope, this is just the basic model. It has a few attachment points for tools, but the Captain only approved of the arm. Security and all.” Monty rolled his eyes. I hadn’t met Captain Delgado yet, aside from our brief conversation on the station. She seemed like the serious sort from what I had heard. “Figured that, well thanks, it’ll be nice to have two hands again. How about that run down?” Monty led me over to an unoccupied storage room, where we spent the next hour or so doing calibration and controls practice on the arm. The wrist could spin a full circle and had better flexibility than a human hand, as well as a locking bar to hold the hand in place if needed. “Nice, more feeling and familiarity will develop over time as your brain interfaces with the prosthetic. You might get phantom sensations over the next few days. Also, this should be obvious, but it has been a problem before once or twice. If you punch somebody with that hand, it will be like hitting them with a hammer. That alloy fist is a lot stronger than bone, so be careful with it. You can also very easily crush things.” Monty warned me as we finished up. It certainly would make a mess of things if I latched on to someone. “Thanks for the advice. I can see how that might make a minor fist fight into a serious incident. Nassau full of assholes?” I asked Monty as we walked back to where my drones were. “It can be. The Black Skies have a misleading reputation as a lawless den of scum and pirates, but New Nassau has a functioning planetary government, cops, a military, courts and prisons. The problems start with gangs like the Vipers and Novas. They own a few districts, and work hand in hand with the government to maintain the peace. Both sides know they could easily cripple the other, so they work out a deal. If you stay in the big cities, the upscale areas, it is pretty nice, safe and all. Just avoid the shitty parts of town and lower decks on the Orbitals. That is where the gangs generally do their business.” Monty led me back to a storage rack as he explained the finer points of the Black Skies. “So, just like any other place, except the gangs have raiding corvettes and military hardware.” I surmised. “Yeah, basically. Here’s Lilac and Cobalt. The other one is two rows down. I can’t give you the gun arms yet, we’ll install them before we leave. Not like anybody on board is going to try to shoot you.” Monty began unloading the drones with the help of a lifter jack. “From what I’ve been told about the fight aboard the Spirit I’m not so sure about that. One of the security people, Evans I think, gave me a look at the mess hall that may as well have been a shotgun blast.” I said grimly. I was fully anticipating having a shootout with the security team the second I left the ship. “Don’t mind him, he’s pissed about the whole thing but he also knows he would have lost a lot more guys if it weren’t for you disabling the drones aboard the station. No one died on our side. Yet at least.” Monty tried to gloss over the ordeal. “See, it’s that yet that has me worried. I’d rather be on good terms with the only people I know out here, and I don’t think getting in a shoot out with the security team is a good way to maintain that.” I laughed a bit. Monty waved his hand as Lilac came to rest on the floor. “Don’t worry about that. Rosado is planning on offering you a job, you turned a lot of heads when we looked over your helmet recorder’s data. Rosado outranks Evans.” Monty said casually, I looked at him, very confused. “Why the fuck would I need a job if I’m about to cash out for around two hundred million?” I asked the man. “Maybe because you like it? Someone doesn’t build the skills to do what you did without liking it. You’re also going to need friends if you want to get back at the Vipers. Money only goes so far.” Monty shrugged his shoulders as he finished unloading the two drones. “Fair. We’ll see what happens. Let’s get these drones checked out.” I motioned to my two saviors. I wanted them to be in top condition before I set foot on a Black Skies world. Three Days Later The deal with the salvage brokers took three days, and I had needed to set up a bank account with one of the Imperial firms, but the first payment had hit my balance immediately. Fifty million marks, with quarterly payments until it had cashed out two hundred twenty million. It was enough for a great ship, a mansion on Koriba, and anything else I could want. The brokers had set me up with a false identity to collect the payments under, and recommended I never let any of the money fall under my real name, otherwise ISC tax people would come knocking. I took the advice. My station identity, Captain Hertz, had morphed into Kyle Hertz, born on the non-existent Stellar Pilgrim, in the year 2682. I hadn’t realized it, but I had turned twenty on the space station. My new Black Skies Administration Ident-Card would be accepted in the ISC per some such treaty the two powers had signed a century before, and Koriba didn’t track genetic information. For most purposes, I was a brand new person. In reality too, if I’m being honest. Once the money had hit the accounts of the crew, we were allowed to take a few shuttles down to the surface. Half of the crew wouldn’t be returning from what I had heard. The million mark payouts had been more than enough for most of them to decide that work was overrated. I had been mulling the idea of taking a job on the ship, I wasn’t ready to call it quits after half a year in space. I also didn’t have the connections or knowledge to run my own ship yet. I had time to decide, Rosado hadn’t gotten in touch with me yet to even offer the job. In the meantime, I had quite a bit of shopping to do. The first place on my list was Harper Medical. Monty had tagged along, and I had gotten in for an appointment pretty quick after a “convenience fee” of twenty five thousand marks. After a short argument in the lobby, Lilac and Cobalt were sent to the parking garage on standby mode. I had left the third, Crimson, aboard the ship for now. The surgeon had recommended a few different models of prosthetic after I told her my profession, and a bit of background on how I had lost the arm. I had settled on a New Austin Arms model due to bias and familiarity, on top of the fact that it was a top of the line piece. The Gunslinger was a full arm suite, so I’d be losing what was left of my stumped arm, however the gains were worth it. The Gunslinger mounted an internal weapon, tools, sensors, and level three armor plating. I had opted for a Guardian ISDW, Implant Self Defense Weapon. It fired the same ten millimeter super magnum as the Delta V, and had capacity for forty rounds in the internal magazine. It wasn’t automatic, but it did fire in two round bursts, and could be linked to my suit systems. The hand itself had two built in tools, a modular data connector and an environment sniffer. The sniffer could detect chemicals, radiation, temperature, pretty much everything I could need to know about the space I was in, and it translated that information either in text on a heads up display, or directly to my brain with a Nerve Interface Implant that came as part of the arm. There were a few other modules I had gone for, a molecular edge circular saw that popped out of the palm, a small welding torch in the index finger, and probably my favorite, the micro rocket array in the bicep. The micro-rockets were two centimeters in diameter, and packed a tiny shape charge warhead. They’d blow straight through a level four armor plate, spraying the poor bastard behind it with shrapnel and spall. Most exo-suits or powered frames mounted level four at the minimum, so I had figured that having something capable of killing the things would be worth it. The date for getting it all installed was set for a week later, so after Monty and I had finished up at the hospital, he took me down to a showroom for a regional company, Black Skies Automata. My conclusions about the markets in the Black Skies having a hefty buy-in proved correct, as the membership fee to get access was nearly a hundred thousand marks. I paid it without worrying, and told the door man that Monty was my employee. Thankfully, I was allowed to bring Cobalt and Lilac inside, as they had no ammunition for their weapon arms. “Come over here, they’ve got a few models like yours I think you’d be interested in. We can load up their personalities and combat experience into the new frames too if you go for it.” Monty pointed at Lilac and Cobalt. I followed him down a hallway to where a few elevators were situated, and he punched in the floor number. “I take it you’ve gotten in here before with someone else?” I laughed. He looked like Javier had at the Austin-Koriba showroom. “Nope, but their storefront on the holonet page has floor numbers and display aisles listed. The floor we’re going to is the security and military applications showroom. You’re going to fucking love this Ricky.” Monty promised. I was sure it was expensive, whatever it was. The elevator chirped, and released us into a sleek black balcony area, with orange holo-signs denoting several different category of products. Monty bee-lined for the ‘VOID COMBAT’ section, and I saw what he had wanted to show me. It was a display with several different sizes of drones, all of them multi-limbed and heavily armored. “Centaur, Scorpion, Ant, and Spider models. They run a seventh generation AI. Each one of them has twice the processing power of that AI on the station you had. They have an optional personality module too. Of course that personality is a bit restricted, as they’re hard coded to be loyal to their owner and won’t talk back. Most of these drones can also be loaded with extra software for other purposes like damage control, logistics, you know, basically anything.” Monty gave me the summary run down on them. The spider models caught my eye. They were true spiders, with eight legs around a somewhat elongated body, with two additional manipulator arms. I looked over to Lilac after studying the model. “What do you say girl? Want a bangin’ new body?” I joked. Monty just shook his head as Lilac did a muted shuffle that I had learned to take as an affirmative. “Lady has spoken. Lets see how much these things cost.” I looked over at Monty, he just had a bit of a mischievous grin on his face. Definitely expensive. “The small spider model runs about half a million marks. Top of the line though. The AI cores spend the equivalent of a hundred years in combat simulations according to the company’s information page. The bigger ones run quite a bit higher depending on how you outfit them. Ever heard of a DPCS?” Monty asked as we made our way over to the display stand and purchasing terminal. “Nope, what does it do?” I started pressing buttons on the display. “Directional Plasma Containment Shield. Closest thing you can get to the shields used on a ship in atmosphere. Takes a ton of power draw, but it’ll stop quite literally anything short of a tank dart. Plasma weapon fire just gets absorbed into the shield, bullets are melted and ablated away with their energy redirecting off to the sides, lasers get reflected around and lose all their energy. Explosives just deform the shield and all the blast energy is bounced back out. The only way for small weapons to beat one is pure weight of fire, overloads the emitter array and plasma containment fails.” Monty pointed out a few emitters on the largest drone, before a sales rep spotted us and headed our way. “Interesting. I suppose that is why the big model is listed at three million marks?” I asked loud enough for the sales representative to hear. “Yes, that and the power plant. The drone runs on a fusion power cell. The powerplant to run a shield isn’t cheap.” The tall man chimed in as I expected. “What the hell happens when that thing gets punctured? That’d vaporize everything for fifty meters around with a containment failure.” I stepped back from the drone, suddenly aware that it was a walking bomb. “That isn’t how the power plant works. It feeds fuel into the fusion power cell over time, the fuel is inert until it inside the powerplant, and only five grams are present at any time at full burn. I take it you have some experience with fusion powerplants?” The sales rep explained. “Yeah, worked on a few. I’ve also seen what one gram of superheated plasma can do. That is still a pretty hefty bang.” I wasn’t convinced, if the powerplant was producing the energy it needed to run the shield and everything else on the drone, five grams of fuel would probably still make a five meter fireball. “It doesn’t run as hot as a normal reactor would because it doesn’t need to. The drone is capable of operating continuously for five days with the shield generator in operation before needing a replacement cell. This combination of low fuel load and low temperatures means that should a breach occur, the plasma is immediately vented downwards out of a blow off vent. The design does everything it can to mitigate a containment failure. The benefits of the system far outweigh the unlikely happening of a containment failure.” The sale rep countered smoothly. He had a point, the shield made it very unlikely to have a breach in the first place. “Can the smaller drones mount the same system? Or just the big one? I have something in the medium weight class for ground combat drones, and they’ve done a damn fine job of keeping me alive this far.” I pointed to Lilac and Cobalt. Cobalt had his multi-tool grasper out and fiddling with Lilac. “Cobalt, you can feel up your girlfriend later, she’s fine. I promise.” I scolded the drone. He quickly stopped and went back to scanning the environment. “Old stuff though, whats that, a Mark three or four from United Federal Arms? That thing is Hyper War era. Where did you even find one?” The sales rep knew his robots, or his glasses had a smart identification system. Probably the latter I decided. “Out in the void, old mining station. Got stuck there for a while. These two saved my life. I’m looking to load their experiences into a new frame. Sell me on your mid-size model. What guns can they mount? Armor thickness? Shields, sensors, extra programming? Are other form factors better, I see you’ve got some, well… scarily realistic body guard models over there.” I pointed across the display to an absolutely gorgeous woman, however standing next to her was a compressed alloy skeleton with half a dozen built in weapon systems and the strength to tear a human in half. “Protecting you isn’t the only thing that model can do… if you are into that sort of thing.” The sales rep said with a grin. I waved my hand at him. “I didn’t need to know that, thanks. We have sex robots where I’m from too, they just usually aren’t programmed to fire a machinegun from the hip while incinerating something else.” I shook the thought off. I had enough money that getting laid wouldn’t be a problem if it really came down to it. Robot probably is cheaper though, less yelling… “Well, as far as the spiders go, the midsize model can mount a small shield generator, and it actually has a longer active time between refueling, though it is less powerful. As far as weaponry, we have the Hydra weapons platform. It can mount two primary weapons and a countermeasure system. The mountings will accept flame throwers, GPMG’s, assault rifles, pistols, grenade launchers, anything equal in size or smaller than the M3A3 heavy machine gun. Smaller weapons can free up space for more arms, so you could easily fit four compact assault rifles or shotguns. I’d recommend just going with two weapons though, ammunition storage gets dicey with too many guns.” The sales rep brought up a holographic diagram of the modular weapons system. The Broadsword model mounted a twin heavy machine gun with a chain driven feed system, and a smoke grenade launcher. The diagram shifted to show the spider in its combat mode, with the two gun arms stretched out to shoot around the inwardly curved edges of the shield generator. A short video played of the drone racing up walls and flipping through the air as it engaged six competitor model drones. The shield flared as dozens of bullets were intercepted, but the jumping spider didn’t so much as flinch. The fifty caliber return fire shredded two competitor drones before the spider landed. The spider raced towards the nearest competitor drone, scything into the helpless machine’s armor with it’s forelimbs. The rest of the fight went as expected, with all six competitor models converted to smoking wrecks. “Impressive. What was that flare on the spider’s front legs? When it tore the other drone apart.” I asked. I had thought it was just sparks at first, until the drone’s armor began melting. “A premium package, the plasma blade. It redirects a tiny amount of plasma from the FPC into a jet. It can be incorporated into the claws of the forelimbs, a proper blade held in the manipulator arms, or any number of custom requests. It can melt into a compressed armor plate easily, even with the relatively low core temperature. Here’s our selection of handheld weapons for the drones.” The salesman brought up yet another catalog. “I’ll take two fully loaded combat models, I want it to be fitted with an M3A3, and an Austin Arms Hellfire array if you have one, if not I’ll take a second machinegun. I’ll take one of the short swords with the plasma blade system, armor it to VL-1 on the front, standard four on the sides and rear. Rig up an EW suite for the countermeasures. How much does that run for the mid-size model?” I shot off the design I had in my head. “One point seven million, and for your second drone?” The salesman looked expectantly at Cobalt who had gone back to running diagnostics on Lilac. “Do you have an engineering model? One that can repair drones and ships, industrial equipment, help to build new ones?” I pointed at Cobalt, the drone moved back to scanning the surroundings once it noticed I was looking. Cobalt looked like a dog who knew they weren’t supposed to be on the couch. “That drone, it isn’t running an old AI is it?” The salesman had just a hint of worry in his voice. “Shouldn’t be. Not a GP intelligence anyways, Lilac there torched the AI core of the station I found her on, and I had isolated them before the AI knew I was going to murder it. Why?” I asked back. Monty shot me a look like I was stupid. “Because you ordered it to stand watch and it ignored your order as soon as it thought you weren’t looking. I’m going to need you to power them both down. Now.” The salesman seemed quite troubled. “Oh, that? They have a personality simulator running but they won’t do anything without me telling them too. Cobalt’s secondary persistent order is to maintain the other drones on his tactical net. Once he clears his order list, he falls back on the secondary. He’s confident there isn’t a threat here.” I said just as Lilac bristled up and turned to face a large cargo door. “Or is there?” Monty looked at the door. “Just a precaution, we have had some other, old model drones come in before. Sorry to have made a scene.” The salesman still seemed wary, but he brought up the schematic of an engineer variant. I was curious as to what Lilac had detected beyond the door, and was only half listening to the salesman. I brought up my wrist, and keyed the holowatch to forward Lilac’s threat assessment. TWO LARGE ASSAULT DRONES EQUIVALENT TO WOLF SPIDER, SIX HUMANOID COMBATANTS BASED ON FLOOR VIBRATION. “Don’t worry about it Lilac, as long as you don’t make a move, they won’t. Promise.” I assured my protector. “What?” The salesman asked, having been interrupted mid-pitch. “Lilac was just letting me know about your security team on the other side of the door. She’s a void model, her sensors are pretty good for looking through walls via vibration.” I explained. “What did she make of them?” The salesman’s brow raised curiously “Two big ones, six man sized. Probably enough firepower to wreck this entire floor if needed. How close was she?” I asked with a grin. “Looks like we need better dampers. Anyways, this engineer model can repair just about anything, from drones, cars, industrial equipment, star fighters, guns, you name it. Having the blueprints helps, but the AI system can teach it self how to repair something if it knows the purpose. They come loaded with around twenty thousand generic machine templates that cover all but the most specialized equipment. The sensors mounted in it’s manipulators include X-ray, ultrasound, LIDAR, Radar, radiation, and several others for working in any environment. It lacks the shield generator system in order to make space for tools. They come loaded with all the same combat protocols as the other drones.” The salesman finished out his overview. “I’ll take it. I see it has a smaller weapons platform. I assume it probably can’t take the heavy machinegun like the Hydra?” I pointed to the smaller mounting arms. “No, the storage area for spare parts cuts into the space for the Hydra, so this one mounts the Lynx, it can still carry two weapons on the arms, but due to ammo constraints, arm strength, recoil, we don’t recommend anything higher than thirty caliber.” I nodded at the explanation, and settled on the ubiquitous Standard Pattern light machineguns, and a big hammer for Cobalt. It took about four hours and over four million marks for the drones to be outfitted as I requested, but by the end, it was worth it. I had Cobalt and Lilac’s old frames sent to a storage unit, as part of the conversion process involved bricking their AI cores and finding spares would be nearly impossible. Monty and I went to the pickup area where my new charges would be loaded up with a full charge and ammunition, well outside the corporation’s secured areas. “Monty, I didn’t think about it before, but how the hell are we going to get these guys somewhere? I doubt a taxi is willing to take two fully loaded combat drones anywhere, and we already got some concerned looks on the subway with unloaded drones.” I looked at Cobalt and Lilac, both had stripes of their respective colors going down their chassis. “Don’t worry about it, already handled. Dutch is on his way with a truck. We’ll drop off the drones at his place, and then we can hit the bars by the beach!” submitted by BlackSunPublishing to HFY [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 04:33 FluffaDuffa Structure of OG Bachelor(ette) Seasons??

I've seen every season of The Bachelor (and all the spinoffs) since 2009, and I have this nagging feeling each season that the relationships used to have a chance to go deeper. Meaning, a person wouldn't only get one legit one-on-one date before hometowns, they'd have at least 2 or 3 and seem like they spent way more time together. I'm watching hometowns now and hearing each woman say "that's where we had our one-on-one!" which just made it that much more striking. Am I nuts and totally misremembering this? Was it actually like that back in the day? Or am I becoming a cranky old lady who's finally starting to question the legitimacy of this process 😂 submitted by FluffaDuffa to thebachelor [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 04:25 Lazy-Pineapple-2012 Did CSE 130 really get nerfed that hard?

This is a serious question. I understand some people struggled and mean no offense to anyone who may have felt differently about this course this quarter. I've heard horror stories from people who took this course previously about how difficult the tests and assignments were. They told me that it was 13s 2.0 and some tren. I really struggled in 13s, so I took this threat seriously and adjusted my schedule such that I would really only have one CS course, one GE, and fill the rest up with labs. It is now week 10 and I feel like the entire hype just turned out to be a big fat nothing-burger. I genuinely believe that 13s was a much more difficult course than 130. I spent 60+ hours on assignments 2 and onwards in 13s. 130's assignments were disappointing. The first assignment was a simple IO program as a nice little warm up. This took me a few hours, mostly just setting up my environment. Difficulty: 2/10 The second was an http server. This was quite an assignment. At this point I was truly believing that things would only ramp up from here. We had two weeks on this assignment, and I sure did take all two weeks. I spent maybe 40 hours in total on it. Difficulty: 7/10 Then comes assignment 3: a thread-safe queue implementation. We had two weeks on this, but the pseudocode was given in class. The assignment took maybe an hour. Difficulty: 1/10 (The two free weeks were nice though) Assignment 4 was then a combination of assignment 2 and 3: we were to multithread the httpserver. This was alright. It taught me how to deal with concurrency issues in systems. We again had two weeks. I timed myself this time, and took just a little over 2 hours using a provided starter template. Difficulty: 4/10 It is now week 10 and assignment 5 has been released. The assignment is optional because of how late it was released. It has a due date during finals week, and from what I skimmed, looks like another maybe 3-hour assignment. I'm pretty neutral on the tests. There were two midterms. I found both to be very fair, and believe that other CS classes could use its tests as a model. The tests focused on the concepts, and not syntax or semantics which I really appreciate, as I can simply focus on the material and concepts. I reviewed notes maybe an hour or two before the exam. I did very well on the first midterm, and feel very confident about the second. No outside studying otherwise. I heard that the structure of 130 got completely overhauled, so that everything is much easier. I am not sure if this true, but I have heard it from multiple reliable sources so I strongly believe there is some real credibility. I'm disappointed that I set aside a whole quarter for this class. I could've easily added on another CS elective. I just feel like I got robbed of the usual cycle of assignments that would make me struggle and fight to understand the content that I would have experienced in the old 130. This feeling was solidified when we spent half a week discussing content that should have been covered in cse 120. I appreciate a little review about the content, but really dislike being taught it again. I find it unfair to be paying tuition again for the same content. I feel like I haven't learned as much from this class when compared to the other required courses. I don't know if the content was severely simplified in order to make it easier or if the content stayed the same and was just made more easily digestible. If it was just simplified, which is what I feel like happened, this is upsetting. This is not how you prepare students for the industry. However, if the material is just structured better, then props to you professors and TAs. It worked. ​ end rant submitted by Lazy-Pineapple-2012 to UCSC [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 04:21 1OO1OO1S0S My rating relative to the average rating.

My rating relative to the average rating. submitted by 1OO1OO1S0S to rush [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 04:18 BunnyfoxNaomi My friend is trying to learn Viego Jungle and is struggling to find solid resources! Can I get some advice?

I'm a Lillia top OTP and I've been having really good results by talking in the lillia server which is loaded with streamers and high elo players who help with answering questions and discussing builds, but I can't find similar things for her to use. The viego discord seems a little quiet on discussion about this kind of stuff, and improving, (I may be wrong about this, just on first glance for me.) so I don't know how to get her started with researching, We're both currently bronze 3 but our goal is gold this season and I'm not sure where she can go to get reliable, up to date information. Don't know of any high elo Viego YTers either... Would really appreciate any advice so she can get to learning! submitted by BunnyfoxNaomi to ViegoMains [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 04:03 swedishpiehole Double booking + egregious hotel cancellation policy! HELP, what can I do?

I made a huge mistake booking a hotel for an upcoming trip to Tokyo with my two kids. I made a reservation on for a total of about $3000 for 6 nights in a large chain hotel, which is more than I could afford, but our dates are in high season and almost everything was sold out when I started looking in January. The hotel offered free cancellation until March 3, so I felt safe in having a backup while I looked for something cheaper. Soon after I did find something cheaper, less than $1500 for the same 6 nights, in the same hotel in the same type of room, but on a different travel website. That also offered free cancellation, so I went ahead and booked it. Here comes my grave mistake: my son got covid and then I caught it from him and we were both sick and I forgot to cancel the first reservation during the free cancellation period. Today I went on to do so, and was informed that the cancellation fee is the full price of the trip, i.e. $3000. I asked for them to waive the fee, thinking that it's 3 weeks out, and it's high season so they'll have no problem rebooking the room. They said no. I have the option to cancel the reservation and be charged the entire fee, or to keep the reservation. I am a single mom who saved up and pinched pennies to be able to take my kids on this trip that we have all dreamed of, so it's not like I can say "Oh well, I'll cancel the second reservation and just pay an extra $1400 for the exact same room booked on the first reservation." The way I see it, I have two options to try to avoid paying for the more expensive reservation: I cancel the credit card I used for the reservation, and then cancel the booking and ignore it when they ask for a new card after the charge is declined. Then I show up at the same hotel on the same reservation date and try to check in under the other booking, hoping they haven't made the connection to the failed cancellation. I don't cancel the first booking and just show up at the hotel and try to check in under the second booking, that is already paid for BTW. But will they see two bookings and not allow me to do this, and they will force me to pay for both rooms, or cancel the second booking and keep the money? I feel angry at myself for not reading the small print when I booked the "free cancellation/pay when you arrive at the hotel" room on I don't travel much and I had absolutely no idea that a hotel would charge me for the full stay when a room is canceled so far in advance. (And, for reasons I cannot understand, the hotel's cancellation policy on the second travel website is a fee of 1 night's charge!) I'm in such a bind now, and I'm going to be losing a lot of sleep over this unless I find a solution. What should I do? submitted by swedishpiehole to hotels [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 04:01 swedishpiehole Double booking + egregious hotel cancellation policy! HELP, what would you do?

I made a huge mistake booking a hotel for an upcoming trip to Tokyo with my two kids. I made a reservation on for a total of about $3000 for 6 nights in a large chain hotel, which is more than I could afford, but our dates are in high season and almost everything was sold out when I started looking in January. The hotel offered free cancellation until March 3, so I felt safe in having a backup while I looked for something cheaper. Soon after I did find something cheaper, less than $1500 for the same 6 nights, in the same hotel in the same type of room, but on a different travel website. That also offered free cancellation, so I went ahead and booked it. Here comes my grave mistake: my son got covid and then I caught it from him and we were both sick and I forgot to cancel the first reservation during the free cancellation period. Today I went on to do so, and was informed that the cancellation fee is the full price of the trip, i.e. $3000. I asked for them to waive the fee, thinking that it's 3 weeks out, and it's high season so they'll have no problem rebooking the room. They said no. I have the option to cancel the reservation and be charged the entire fee, or to keep the reservation. I am a single mom who saved up and pinched pennies to be able to take my kids on this trip that we have all dreamed of, so it's not like I can say "Oh well, I'll cancel the second reservation and just pay an extra $1400 for the exact same room booked on the first reservation." The way I see it, I have two options to try to avoid paying for the more expensive reservation: I cancel the credit card I used for the reservation, and then cancel the booking and ignore it when they ask for a new card after the charge is declined. Then I show up at the same hotel on the same reservation date and try to check in under the other booking, hoping they haven't made the connection to the failed cancellation. I don't cancel the first booking and just show up at the hotel and try to check in under the second booking, that is already paid for BTW. But will they see two bookings and not allow me to do this, and they will force me to pay for both rooms, or cancel the second booking and keep the money? I feel angry at myself for not reading the small print when I booked the "free cancellation/pay when you arrive at the hotel" room on I don't travel much and I had absolutely no idea that a hotel would charge me for the full stay when a room is canceled so far in advance. (And, for reasons I cannot understand, the hotel's cancellation policy on the second travel website is a fee of 1 night's charge!) I'm in such a bind now, and I'm going to be losing a lot of sleep over this unless I find a solution. What should I do? submitted by swedishpiehole to TravelHacks [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 04:00 DTG_Bot Daily Questions [2023-03-14]

New player? Please read the New and Returning Player Guide, Destiny 2 Guided Support & Gameplay Guide. Want to buy the DLC? Check out the Lightfall Guide. Returning and not sure what was vaulted? Destiny Content Vault: Year 6 Season of Defiance (Season 20) key dates: February 28 - Lightfall launch + Season 20 begins March 10 (Week 2) - Root of Nightmares raid launch Nightfalls: March 7 (Week 2) - Heist Battleground: Mars March 14 (Week 3) - Hypernet Current March 21 (Week 4) - Arms Dealer March 28 (Week 5) - Glassway April 4 (Week 6) - Lake of Shadows April 11 (Week 7) - Grandmaster Nightfalls begin Iron Banner weeks: March 21 (Week 4) April 4 (Week 6) April 25 (Week 9) Trials of Osiris: Begins March 17 (Week 3) and returns every weekend except during Iron Banner weeks May 2 to May 23 - Guardian Games Top Known Issues List by Bungie Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny-related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well, You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities! Be sure to use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also, be sure to check the thread itself! We also have a nice collection of useful resources below "Useful links" in the sidebar / top menu. We also have an official Discord, which allows for live chatting about the game, LFG, and more! Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions! Rules Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more. All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil. You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here. submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 03:57 etechnology1 How we Can find the best web designing Training institute in Chandigarh?

Finding the best web design training in Chandigarh can be difficult, but with the right approach, you can locate one that suits your requirements. You can use the following steps to locate Chandigarh's top web design training facility: We can suggest two institutes in Chandigarh that provide professional web design courses. 1: Excellence Technology 2: Extect Digital ​ Analysis: Start by looking into various Chandigarh training facilities for web design. You can find institutes using search engines, social media, and online directories. Search for training facilities with a solid reputation, great testimonials, and knowledgeable instructors. Curriculum: Verify that each institute's curriculum covers all the crucial web design topics. Look for institutions that provide hands-on training, real-world projects, and tools and technologies that are accepted in the industry. Trainers: Skilled instructors can significantly improve your learning process. Look for training facilities with knowledgeable and seasoned instructors who can offer individualized attention and mentoring. Make sure the institution has a strong infrastructure, including up-to-date classrooms, labs, and tools. Verify whether they have a quality library, quick internet, and other resources that can help you learn. Placements: Seek out institutions that assist with placement and have a solid record of placing students in respectable businesses. Look up their placement history and get in touch with alumni to learn more about their experiences. Fees: Evaluate the costs of various institutions and select the one that offers the best value. Look for institutions that provide scholarships and flexible payment options. You can find the best web design training facility in Chandigarh that satisfies your needs and advances your professional objectives using the steps listed below. submitted by etechnology1 to u/etechnology1 [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 03:54 brweyo $25 50-round no transactions slow draft on FanTrax. Root 5x5

Hi everyone, I'm back looking for anyone interested in joining a 50-round draft-and--hold similar to NFBC and available on Fantrax, too. I host several of these each year, with this league being the last I need to fill. With my leagues, the primary differences are weekly transactions (no Friday changes) and payouts (all money gets distributed to the top 4 winners). Full details: 15 Teams 50 Rounds, 3 hours between picks with sleep period between 11pm and 8am (eastern) Clock will decrease next week as continue decreasing as needed to make sure draft ends before season starts. 5x5 Roto (traditional categories) No transactions (trades, waivers, etc.) Hosted on Fantrax, paid through Fantrax Treasurer $25 buy-in Payouts: $200, $100, $50, $25 Re-Draft league Active Rosters: 2xC 1B 2B 3B SS CI MI 5xOF UT 9xPitcher League Start Date: March 14th (tomorrow) at noon eastern (scheduled, will not start until 15, at 11 teams now) Full rules link: I have been running these leagues for a few years now. They are not dynasty/keeper (again, re-draft only), but good leagues if you like idea of playing against many of the same people year-to-year. Good introduction to 50-round, no transactions leagues. I can provide links to other leagues from this year if you would like references. Message or post here with any questions. submitted by brweyo to findaleague [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 03:52 AGOTFAN Comscore - Best Picture Oscar Nominees with percentage of gross earned post nomination

Comscore - Best Picture Oscar Nominees with percentage of gross earned post nomination submitted by AGOTFAN to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 03:35 CountryRds Does anyone know if the vinyl for season 2 (ost 3) has been released yet?

I know that the cd version has been released, but I can't seem to find any information about the vinyl. Any information would help. Thank you! submitted by CountryRds to MadeInAbyss [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 03:25 heli_mech Yes Another Battlepass Spreadsheet...but maybe your last?

Yes Another Battlepass Spreadsheet...but maybe your last? submitted by heli_mech to WorldofTanks [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 03:23 xwads Idea for newly leaked hardcore realms.

With new hardcore realms/seasonal vanilla coming "soon ™" I had an idea tailored towards these realms. I'm under the assumption that Blizzard will release hardcore realms alongside regular realms in the next seasonal vanilla server. My idea for the hardcore realms is to create a incremental level cap that slowly increases over a certain period of time. An example being on launch level 20 is the max level and after 3-4 weeks (or whatever time frame makes sense) it will be level 30. This will allow players to explore all the available content at a given level range, it will allow min-maxers to have new content of min-maxing a character at a level they normally would rush past. Anyone who cannot play the game often would also have the opportunity to stay close to the main pack of people at whatever the level cap is set to. Adding hardcore on top of this would create a new level of difficulty and challenge to what is normally very easy and straightforward content. As the level cap raises it would also be a good time to increase the speed at which you level when you are below the bracket cap. For example if they raised the cap from 20-30 create a 50-200% (ballpark numbers) increased leveling speed from 1-20 and keep it at whatever static rate from 21-30. This will not only allow people who died on their characters at level cap to quickly get back to where they were, it will also promote the creation of alts for people who feel satisfied with their progress on their main character that sits at level cap. I think lots of players would be very demotivated to continue their hardcore journey if they died at level 50 and had to level on 1x speed all the way back. But if they had a very fast way to reach 50 again after dying it would incentivize them to keep playing. I don't think most people playing hardcore actually care about raiding so much, but more about the journey of reaching 60. With the proposed level cap it will allow people to explore the game and create new meta's for each given level cap, just like we saw players do in the classic beta when the cap was level 30 and 40 respectively. With all these things in mind if Blizzard were to make official hardcore realms they could allow death in battlegrounds which is something the already popular unofficial hardcore community prohibits. A certain private server has held a pretty strong population by using a similar level cap system, and I think a hardcore realm would be the perfect time for Blizzard to experiment with a system like this. submitted by xwads to classicwow [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 03:19 Gargus-SCP Related Works - Wesley Dodds as The Sandman (Jan-Jun 1940): Enter Hourman!

Not every hero of the Golden Age has the luck of a Superman or Batman, whereby their debut converts an anthology title from a rotating line of features to a "Featuring THIS GUY!!!!! (And Some Others)" deal. Sandman held the lead feature slot and regular cover appearances for about eight months, but come March of 1940, the editors at Adventure Comics decided to cash in on the still-rising superhero craze with a guy who looked a tad more like Superman. Starting with issue #48, Ken Fitch and Bernard Baily's Hourman took both lead feature slot and prime cover real estate, forcing Wesley Dodds back to fourth of nine regular features. Over time he'd continue sinking through the back pages, and wouldn't regain regular cover status until 1942. Tough break for a guy less than a year old and (to my perspective) possessed of stronger concept than ol' Tick-Tock Tyler. A mere hour of superpowers that only include enhanced strength and durability always seems to restrict rather than expand Rex's storytelling possibilities. Anyhow, the first half of 1940 brings us seven further adventures of the man in the gas mask who'd later become entangled in the strands of Neil Gaiman's grand tragedy, so we'd best get cracking on overviewing the lot! ADVENTURE COMICS #46 (January) The Sandman Meets with Murder - Gardner Fox, Ogden Whitney A twisty-turny adventure to start the calendar year, as Wes' invitation from a socialite friend to visit a mutual acquaintance is cut short when he spies blood pooling out the door. Sandman finds the guy (an ad agency artist) both dead as a doornail and being robbed by a mysterious woman, who turns up dead when followed, only for her exact double to appear seconds later! It takes some tailing and liberal application of sleeping gas to catch her, but it soon comes out she's the twin sister of the artist's wife, who found out they were both in the palm of a counterfeiting ring and marked for death if he didn't continue hiding secret location drop messages in his ads. Simple matter from there for Sandman to track down the coin... except shock! twist! it's actually Wesley's socialite friend in disguise! Hands on face and gasp! Basically a continuation of where we left off at the end of '39, Sandman still lurking in shadows and freely spraying his gas gun to get out've tight situations, with an emphasis on mildly shaking your expectations with revelations about identities and surprise twins. Fox once again has trouble communicating some necessary information without blasting the page with oversized speech balloons, but there's skill in setting up the mystery regardless clunkiness in paying off. On art front, while Whitney won't stick around very long (these three issues are all he'd do for Sandman, with a career move to Columbia Comics forthcoming), yet he carries across the skulking moments I've come to enjoy in this feature, and makes a few of Wes' actions funnier for how casually he draws it, like simply taking a door off its hinges or announcing his identity to the disguised villain's face. ADVENTURE COMICS #47 (February) Lady in Evening Clothes - Fox, Whitney A routine night of coercing the district attorney to run a ballistics test on a murder bullet is interrupted when Wesley finds one Diana Ware breaking into his house, reportedly on orders from a local mobster who's holding knowledge of her true parentage as leverage. She's a pretty gal with an intriguing story, one who becomes even more intriguing when she effortlessly cracks the safe where Wes stores his outfit and reveals she knew he's the Sandman all along! Eager to help Diana learn of her father, take down her gang, and employ her skills, Wes naturally takes her along to steal the ballistics report, only to blunder into men from her gang, out to rub out any evidence one of their lot did the crime Sandman's investigating. He saves her from a plugging and gets plugged himself, she saves him from exposure by cooking up a cover story when he crashes his car in-costume and keeps him from bleeding out, and all's clear for Sandman to gas the relevant parties until he's got the dirt he needs to force a confession from the trigger man and surprise the DA with one particularly juicy tidbit. See, the baby girl he lost all those years ago? The one he thought killed alongside his wife by a mob exacting revenge for his prosecuting one of their own? Apparently she didn't die, but was rather abducted by a mobster who couldn't follow through on orders and went straight... and she's in the room with us right now! Diana Ware is really Dian Belmont! Having caught the bad guys AND reunited a family, Wes is rewarded with a kiss and goes off into the night certain Dian will get him into lots more trouble in the future. A highly important story in the development of Wes' mythos - a fan of Sandman Mystery Theatre unfamiliar with the Golden Age stories might suspect Dian will act as a typical love interest and only gain her interesting dimensions/equal competency to Sandman under Wagner's pen, but she is in truth an equal partner to Wesley from the go. She's an accomplished safecracker with her own underworld alias, she and Wes pay each other rescue in kind without either getting damseled, she's active and motivated and gets to pull a gun on the DA before she learns the truth... she even takes one on the chin when Wesley first finds her sneaking in the dark. As early superhero love interests go, she's pretty fantastic! Fox's explanations for plot convolutions remain thick as ever, though with numerous interesting characters at play and the exposition pertaining to a mystery about them specifically I don't mind half so much. Whitney does a fine job giving her this soft, tender look while implying chemistry with Wes, and doesn't neglect posing her as a figure who can parallel Sandman from time to time. Always nice when the milestone stories are also good reads! Times Wesley's taken a bullet to date: 2 ADVENTURE COMICS #48 (March) Death to the DA - Fox, Whitney Wes' conviction about Dian prove right the very next month as she invites the Sandman to a party aboard her father's yacht, where she believes at least one of the man's associates are out to do him harm. Turns out a good idea, as Wes has to rescue the DA from a shove overboard, a live burial attempt at his private cabin, and a kidnapping to sign the release of several vicious gangsters in just ten pages. As it happens, everyone Dian suspected is in on the scheme, and it takes all the duo's combined wits and strength to keep her father safe. In case you couldn't guess, this one's way straighter a yarn than Dian's introductory tale, a mere matter of setting up players and watching as they take their shot one by one. I like the punchy pace and constant shifts in action it demands, as well as the opportunities brief downtimes afford for tenderness between the hero and lady. There's this weird one-off conceit whereby the DA knows Sandman's identity too - Wes freely removes his mask around the man and all talk as if a masked vigilante dating a government official's recently-discovered daughter doesn't make super awkward social situations. One suspects Fox realized he couldn't make the whole "fights criminals AND the police in pursuit of justice" line work if Wes is so buddy-buddy with a lawman, and quickly cut back to only Dian knowing. For his final Sandman outing, Whitney delivers some nifty action sequences, the requisite cool profile shot, and a panel of Sandman looking out a porthole I highlight simply because I find it amusing. ADVENTURE COMICS #49 (April) Cold Cures and Crime - Fox, Creig Flessel A man drops dead in the street mere seconds after dropping coin in a beggar's cup, a man who incidentally served as assistant to a New York doctor on the verge of curing the common cold. There's death threats and assassination attempts aplenty from men who don't want such a cure released unless they can get in on the profits, so it's up to Sandman to solve the murder and uncover the identities of these ne'er do wells. The answer to the first is among the most spectacularly convoluted means of killing a man I've seen in some time - the assassin collected black widow venom into a hypodermic needle concealed in the lip of an ordinary cup, posed as a common beggar, and then triggered the gimmick to stick his target when they donated a coin. Unfortunately, taking the cup as evidence alerts the crooks to the vigilante on their tail, so they kidnap the doctor, forcing Sandman to give chase and engage in some fisticuffs along the way. As always, he saves the day, and happily enough the cold he contracted in course of his heroism now has a half-hour miracle cure! Good thing there's like negative continuity regarding major scientific breakthroughs in these stories! With Whitney as a comparison point, I can admit the stiffness I noted in Flessel's action poses do stand out a bit more than they did in the '39 stories, though I maintain any panel of Wesley sequestered in shadow is a good panel. The choice for Wes to engage in slugging and judo-flipping at the close is eyebrow-raising, as to now the character has handled anyone he could get the drop on with either his gas-gun or surprise attacks. Evidently influences from elsewhere in the market and demand for more conventional action are seeping in - the opening narration box now notes Wesley as a former athlete in further reflection of this trend. I really do like the needlessly elaborate means of covertly killing men for an operation intended to intimidate their boss into compliance; you'd think an ol'-fashioned public driveby shooting would get the idea across clearer. S'amusing how the poor doctor is yanked out've bed like three times in one night. Have a shot of Sandman gassing the cops. ADVENTURE COMICS #50 (May) Tuffy and Limpy's Revenge Plot - Fox, Flessel OK, Wes is just straight wilding in this one. We start with him deciding the best way to confront a speeding motorist who ran over a dead man is to run the guy off the road, only to find the driver is dead as well. Sandman rushes back home and instinctively sleep gases someone in his room, who turns out to be Dian, here because she's worried the escaped convicts Tuffy and Limpy will murder her father. Turns out they orchestrated the murder Wes just witness, so he and Dian rush out to the crook's hideout, only to find it empty, so they rush BACK to the DA's office, with a police escort to cover Wes for all the traffic laws he's violating tonight. By this point Wesley is so high on his own adrenaline, another gunfire winging doesn't deter him as he goes racing after the escapees on foot and instructing Dian to gun it round tight turns, just so he can fall into a trap at their hideout and beat them senseless with his bare hands while he's got a fucking bullet in his shoulder. Just to drive home the idea tonight is Sandman's Off The Chain night, Dian coerces her father to offer Sandman a full pardon for his vigilantism if he reveals his secret identity, an offer Wesley roundly scoffs off. No clue what Fox was drinking this month, but I want some of it. This story is jittery, out've step with the tone thus far, overeager to keep moving from beat to beat... and fun as hell as a result. Something about Wes making bad call after bad call feels right for a guy who fights crime with a million pounds of luck at his back. Inevitably he's gonna have a night where he's psyched up, keeps banging his head on low-hanging bars, and pushes himself to go hard when there is absolutely zero reason for such aggression. That gasmask is totally concealing a crazed look in his eye and more flopsweat than anyone's seen this side of Wall Street October '29. The trend towards battling baddies like every other martial arts master continues in a manner which fits the story yet still troubles when you notice the sleeping gas is applied as an afterthought. For notable art choices, Flessel draws the DA significantly younger and meeker than Whitney, the stiffness in his art works for Dian carting an injured Sandman over her shoulder, and Dian's face looks a little wonky when calling the cops to clean up after Wes at the end. Times Wesley's taken a bullet to date: 3 ADVENTURE COMICS #51 (June) The Pawn Broker - Fox, Flessel Hey, a cover appearance! Don't fret, this won't last. Dian's eager to inform Wesley about a case involving the theft of some emeralds they can crack before their dinner date, but he's already cottoned onto the thieves' trail as Sandman, spoiling her fun. Still, they go a-breakin' and a-enterin' to get the jewels back, only to find their efforts frustrated as the mastermind figured they'd stash the goods someplace a third party can act as patsy should the police bust the operation - Wesley Dodds' manor! Shocked, Wes gives the crooks a good thrashing before rushing home with Dian to secure the emeralds and implicate his secret identity in the theft with a sprinkling of sand, just to keep heat and suspicion off his civilian person. Afterward, the preplanned dinner date makes a lovely alibi to distance themselves from the night's events; however, on returning home, Wes and Dian find the REAL thief murdered in his foyer, prompting Wes to don his costume and turn the buyers' attempted torture of the fence to make him tell them the REAL hiding place into some justice-tinged torture of his own. Somewhere along the line, he makes time to return the emeralds to their rightful owners between all these hard left turns. Strong, strong midpoint for the Adventure Comics adventures. Experientially this story mirrors January's with extra oomph thanks to the personal connection and Wes' ability to talk 'n' banter with Dian about the goings on, and the short game of pass the parcel with the McGuffin keeps the excitement high throughout. Fox confines his breathless explanations to a single panel early on, and allows the story after to speak for itself through functional dialogue and illustration without interruption. Speaking of illustrations, this is the first place I can honestly say I see why Flessel maintained status as a minor fan-favorite Dodds Sandman artist well into the 21st century - he delivers some great faces, his action sequences deliver an exhilarating sense of impact in brawls and sucker-shots (page six is among the best of the first year), he crafts a fine set of atmosphere before glimmering jewels and dark night boat stealth, and even the villains have a strong sense of caricatured personage. Honestly difficult choosing a favorite of the three Flessel-drawn stories this block, as they all boast entertaining plots and flashes of fine workmanship, but I've gotta say this one is tops in my book. If Sandman must conform to the mold others in the industry set, I'm happy however long this particular balance lasts. (Lurking Sandman my beloved.) NEW WORK WORLD'S FAIR COMICS #2 (Summer) The Sandman Goes to the World's Fair - Fox, Charles Grothkopf The World's Fair has extended into 1940, and with the likes of Superman, Batman and Robin, Slam Bradley, Johnny and his Thunderbolt, Zatara the Magician, and that no-good upstart Hourman fighting crime on its storied grounds, Sandman's naturally gotta follow! He's not so deeply involved in goings-on this time, instead just a mere attendee as Wesley Dodds with Dian and her Aunt Agatha, with Dian eventually kidnapped by (say it with me now) gangsters with a grudge against her DA father. Compared to usual, it's a very straight shot from a single identifying clue via Agatha for Sandman to find the bad guy's hideout and get to busting heads 'n' choking lungs. He dusts up and provides the cops evidence of the gang's wrongdoings in no time flat, just in time for he and Dian to regain the fairgrounds and watch the daily marathon parachute jumps - performed by none other than frail old Agatha. One intellectually understands the two World's Fair promotional comics were aimed at a broader audience unfamiliar with the monthly adventures of the characters within and thus were more susceptible to broadening tone and characterization than usual. One can understand this and still feel disappointed Dian turns out the helpless kidnapped love interest who faints at the sight of all this excitement when the Adventure Comics stories have consistently held her as an equal capable partner in the duo. Kinda surprising this is so different and so unlike Sandman's baseline expectation compared to what Fox wrote in collaboration with Christman for the same publication a year prior. Course, this may be the influence of Grothkopf in the first of many future appearances as the feature's illustrator - compared to all the above-highlighted efforts at a grounded artstyle, Grothkopf's sensibilities are cartoony. Very cartoony. Very very cartoony. Shan't judge preemptively, but this outing wasn't for me, and I hope in the main title's stories Grothkopf restrains himself from these vibes. Can't blame him for the increase in melee activity, tho; that's just the inexorable march towards Mirroring Superman And Batman. (Wesley is not shot here, but he does duck a bullet.) The trend for now is towards increasing quality. Rather than muck about in wider-arraying genre excursions as Christman might've preferred, Fox and company prefer riffing on Sandman's familiar routine of busting crime rings with creative-minded killers, unusual intersections with the secret identity, and an increasing willingness to slug the bad guys what for at the climax. Dian makes a major boon to the comic, and it's no wonder Wagner dug her up after fifty years in mothballs as the deuteragonist of Mystery Theatre. The most frequent artist of these early years is finding his feet in quick order, while Gardner Fox irons out the formula to deliver wilder ideas without needing crutch himself on too many words. It's no longer the silent, atmospheric feature Christman promised, but what we're getting thus far is damned good pulp tinged with weightier airs when appropriate. Our first year, then, ends with the feature in a respectably stable place, the roads ahead promising plenty new possibilities, even if readers gotta dig past Barry O'Neill and Federal Man to find the masked marauder. Next time: Sandman's continued escapades win him a private Society membership! (Previous write-ups: 1939) You know, Wagner featured Hourman in an arc of Mystery Theatre - I could totally do one of these series on him if the mods permitted... submitted by Gargus-SCP to Sandman [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 03:19 19neo91 Cenntro Jacksonville expansion, did you see it coming so soon after Phase 1 of the factory was complete? ​ Cenntro working on Phase 2 at its Lane Industrial Park electric vehicle plant Plans dated Oct. 19 said the improvements of 30,000 square feet include a factory/vehicle assembly area, storage and office space. By Karen Brune Mathis 12:05 a.m. March 13, 2023 Cenntro plans to begin assembling electric vehicles at its new plant at Lane Industrial Park in West Jacksonville. Cenntro plans to begin assembling electric vehicles at its new plant at Lane Industrial Park in West Jacksonville. Columnists Mathis Report Cenntro Electric Group Ltd. is in review for a $1.3 million tenant improvement of 100,106 square feet at its Lane Industrial Park electric vehicle plant in Northwest Jacksonville. The permit refers to Phase 2. The city issued a permit Jan. 4 for a $1.15 million build-out for a 30,000-square-foot space within Building 100 at 2240 Lane Ave. N. That build-out indicated about 70,000 square feet for future expansion. Cenntro makes light- and medium-duty electric vehicles for corporate and governmental uses. ARCO Design/Build is the contractor for both projects Cenntro’s midyear 2022 report said it began a 10-year lease in May 2022 for a 100,000-square-foot facility at the park. The architect is ADB Design Services of Atlanta. Legacy Engineering Inc. of Jacksonville is the civil engineer. Plans dated Oct. 19 said the improvements of 30,000 square feet include a factory/vehicle assembly area, storage and office space. The plans for the 100,106 square feet refer to power and lighting improvements and the addition of restrooms in the storage and car assembly area. Cenntro announced Feb. 27 that the build-out of its electric car assembly facility in Jacksonville is complete, and it is awaiting parts to begin production. The Freehold, New Jersey-based company did not say in a news release when production would start or how many employees it has at the plant, and it did not respond to email inquiries about it. The company said in December 2021 it would open its first U.S. assembly plant for the vehicles in Jacksonville, with the help of $450,000 in tax incentives approved by City Council. It promised to create 34 jobs at the plant by the end of 2023. The company also said Feb. 27 it is starting production of electric commercial trucks in Howell, New Jersey. “With our assembly facilities ready to build, we will soon begin to deliver our products in the United States,” CEO Peter Wang said in the news release. “The expansion of the Howell facility and the impending opening of the Jacksonville facility will support both demand and large-scale deployment to expand sales in U.S. regional markets.” Jax Industrial One Ltd., the Coral Gables developer led by former Florida Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera, sold the fully leased 160,000-square-foot Lane Industrial Park Building 1 to Bluerock Real Estate L.L.C. on July 5 for $19.13 million. View Poll submitted by 19neo91 to CENN [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 03:06 xtuna88 Randomly picked this up in the auctions for 12k but can’t seem to find any others for sale and no price history. Anyone know how much they’re going for?

Randomly picked this up in the auctions for 12k but can’t seem to find any others for sale and no price history. Anyone know how much they’re going for? submitted by xtuna88 to neopets [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 03:00 fuckmigraines Talk shop about this week's biggest headlines! Dec. 23, 2022 - JAn. 23, 2022

As always, feel free to discuss any headlines that went down in kpop this week — including, but not limited to: comeback announcements, touring news, controversies, achievements, business moves, the latest social media outrage, you name it. COMEBACK NEWS & RUMORS SHINee’s Key Drops Cool Retro Teaser + Sneak Peek Of Game-Inspired Album Packaging For “Killer” TNX Is Pretty In The Sun In New “Love Never Dies” Comeback Teasers TXT Embarks On A “Sugar Rush Ride” In Mystical Comeback MV THE BOYZ Moves Their Comeback To An Earlier Date NCT 127 Sings “Ay-Yo” In MV For Repackaged Album STAYC Unveils 1st MV Teaser For “Teddy Bear” Comeback PURPLE KISS Bewitches In Alluring Comeback Teasers For “Sweet Juice” TWICE Announces Comeback Date With 1st Teaser For “READY TO BE” Hwang Minhyun Announces Solo Debut Date With Intriguing 1st Teaser For “Truth Or Lie” NMIXX Kicks Off A New Era With Magical Teaser Video ATEEZ Gears Up For Next Chapter With Cinematic Epilogue Film For “SPIN OFF: FROM THE WITNESS” ONF’s Hyojin Announces Special Valentine’s Day Single + Drops 1st Teaser AWARD SEASON 2023 NCT’s Doyoung And (G)I-DLE’s Miyeon To Host Circle (Gaon) Chart Music Awards TWICE To Receive Breakthrough Award At 2023 Billboard Women In Music Ceremony Hanteo Music Awards 2022 Announces 3rd Lineup Of Artists BTS And BLACKPINK Score Nominations For 2023 Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards CONCERTS & TOURING Stray Kids To Headline Lollapalooza Paris 2023 KCON 2023 Thailand Announces 3rd Performer Lineup 2PM Confirmed To Be Preparing For Full-Group Concert Inaugural We Bridge Music Festival In Las Vegas Announces Lineup ASTRO’s Moonbin&Sanha Announces Dates And Cities For First Unit Fan-Con World Tour “DIFFUSION” BLACKPINK Announces Additional Dates And Venues For “BORN PINK” Concerts In Mexico And Australia CHARTING, SALES & STREAMING NewJeans’ “OMG” Debuts On Billboard’s Hot 100, Making Them Fastest K-Pop Artist In History To Chart Multiple Entries Red Velvet Officially Becomes Million Sellers With “The ReVe Festival 2022 – Birthday” NewJeans Becomes Fastest K-Pop Group To Achieve Million-Selling Album With “OMG” TXT Becomes 1st Group In Melon Top 100 History To Chart All Songs From A Mini Album In Top 10 Simultaneously TXT Becomes 1st Foreign Act To Top Oricon’s Weekly Album Chart With 7 Consecutive Albums NewJeans Becomes 1st Idol Group In History To Rank In Top 3 Spots On Melon’s Monthly Chart HEALTH DRIPPIN’s Alex To Temporarily Halt Activities For Health Reasons ITZY’s Yuna Sits Out Schedule + Postpones Event Due To Health GENERAL NEWS Red Velvet’s Wendy And MeloMance Sing Of A “Miracle” In Breathtaking Live Video YG’s New Girl Group BABYMONSTER Introduces Japanese Member Asa With Live Performance Video Billlie’s Moon Sua And Tsuki + woo!ah!’s Nana Confirmed As New MCs For “Show Champion” SEVENTEEN Launches New UNESCO Donation Campaign To Support Education Of Underprivileged Youth NCT’s Haechan To Resume Activities Starting With NCT 127’s Comeback J-Hope Releases Teaser For Documentary “j-hope IN THE BOX” Meta Idol Group MAVE: Debuts With “PANDORA” + To Showcase First Performance On “Music Core” All 6 MOMOLAND Members Part Ways With MLD Entertainment YOUNITE’s Woono To Sit Out Schedule After His Grandfather Passes Away YG’s New Girl Group BABYMONSTER Puts Spotlight On Member Rora In Live Performance Video DAWN Signs With New Label Girl’s Day’s Hyeri, (G)-IDLE’s Miyeon, LE SSERAFIM’s Kim Chaewon, Choi Ye Na, Leejung, And Patricia To Star In New Variety Show Weeekly Announces Official Colors AS Orchid Bloom, Banana Cream, and Beach Glass VICTON’s Seungsik Personally Announces Military Enlistment Date BlockBerryCreative Confirmed To Have Submitted Petition To Suspend Chuu’s Activities YG’s New Girl Group BABYMONSTER Showcases Thai Member Pharita In Live Performance Video Chuu Personally Addresses The Slanderous Reports And BlockBerryCreative’s Claims Against Her And LOONA Members N.Flying’s Cha Hun Announces Military Enlistment Date “Boys Planet” Contestant And Woollim Trainee Jang Min Seo Drops Out Of Show LE SSERAFIM’s Hong Eunchae Confirmed As New “Music Bank” MC LOONA’s ViVi And HyunJin Confirmed To Have Filed Injunctions To Suspend Contracts With BlockBerryCreative THE BOYZ’s Agency Apologizes For Featuring Hat With Rising Sun Flag In Group’s Latest Vlog C9 Shares Detailed Response Debunking Rumors Of Bullying Within CIX + To Potentially Take Legal Action SM And HYBE Warn Fans About Fraudulent Event Using NCT, SEVENTEEN, And ENHYPEN’s Names EXO’s Baekhyun Is DIscharged From The Military + Shares Messages With Fans YG’s New Girl Group BABYMONSTER Introduces Final Member Ruka With Live Performance Video UPCOMING RELEASES ARTIST TITLE RELEASE DATE RELEASE TIME (KST) BSS (BooSeokSoon) Second Wind February 6 6 p.m NCT DREAM Best Friend Ever (JP) February 8 TBD tripleS ASSEMBLE February 13 TBD Key Killer February 13 6 p.m STAYC Teddy Bear February 14 6 p.m TRI.BE W.A.Y February 14 6 p.m LIMELIGHT Honestly February 14 TBD Hyojin (ONF) Love Things February 14 6 p.m PURPLE KISS Sweet Juice February 15 6 p.m JAY B (GOT7) Seasonal Hiatus February 15 TBD TNX I Need U February 15 6 p.m OnlyOneOf chrOme arts (Jp) February 15 TBD THE BOYZ BE AWAKE February 20 12 p.m Stray Kids THE SOUND (Jp) February 22 TBD CLASS:y TARGET (Jp) February 22 TBD Hwang Minhyun Truth Or Lie February 27 6 p.m submitted by fuckmigraines to kpophead [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 02:54 LaughingZ Andi’s season is so good, what happened? My thoughts

Ok so I pretty much made a post like this before about Nick specifically, but it’s my first time watching this season and I’m only on episode 3 and have so much more to say. The dates are so much better!!! Group date where they get to MEET BOYZ II MEN?! That makes me not feel bad for them being on a group date. That date and the stripper performance group date were actually interesting to watch on TV opposed to my experience watching large group dates of more recent seasons where I’m waiting for them to be over. Her 1 on 1 with JJ where they dress up as old people and act like old people in a park is so creative! What happened to the producewriter who thought of these dates? I feel like this is a big reason why the show is so boring to watch now. Also, a contestant shared their trauma story on the couch with Chris Souls while Andi was on a 1 on 1 date. That was a breath of fresh air versus everyone’s story coming out in a convo with the lead and it seeming so forced. They also sprinkle in seemingly normal romantic moments that don’t seem forced but are a natural result of the date (like Eric helping Andi Ski). Andi is really good at authentically finding the things she enjoys about each guy and focusing on that so all the positive interactions seem authentic and I believe that the guys feel like they have a chance with Andi and are genuinely getting excited to be with her. Also, a dude getting a waitress’s number while filming is way more believable and interesting as a “not here for the right reasons” scenario than anything I’ve watched in recent seasons where they drudge up some hearsay from people’s pasts and the music and cast are way too amped up over it. submitted by LaughingZ to thebachelor [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 02:45 qvxzytyc Gave my two weeks last Thursday, and was told that this Wednesday was my last day and to not come back

Hi everyone, So I’ve been working at a company in my area since November. I ended up taking a job doing my previous work and I gave my notice on March 9th, my last day being the 23rd. Our branch manager was away and so I gave my written and verbal notice to the interim branch manager (our office manageHR kind of). I sat down with her and explained exactly why I was leaving and we had a feedback session. It was a very long notice as to what I had seen at the company that I was not about. But, nevertheless, I was very respectful and professional about it. Today, I was called into the branch manager’s office as he was back from vacation today. He and the office manager sat me down and told me they could not justify me staying on until the end notice I gave them. They told me because we have very little field work and that the shop hours don’t make sense going to me instead of others because I’m no longer invested, that my leaving this job would be sooner. They tried to push me for today to be my last day, but I refused as I had been working on a project that was going to roll into tomorrow. They asked if this was going to put me out in any capacity and I said financially, yes it will. I told them I had specifically put in my two weeks at that moment under the impression I would be working until the end date I gave them. He then asked me about my side job and I said at this point people would have already had to contact me to do it. So, he asked me if we could have my last day on Wednesday instead when I leave for a weekly appointment and call it then. I asked if I could think about it and that is when he told me he was basically telling me and not actually asking. He then proceeded to tell me that he appreciated the feedback I gave on my two-week notice and that most employees do not give feedback. I told him that I came from an environment where giving and receiving feedback was integral to our success and that it would not make sense to not give feedback to this company (they very much needed it). He then began, pretty defensively, to tell me that the company is in a huge transition. For context, the company I work for now bought out a local company sometime last year and they've been restructuring since then. He said that I wasn't even there for the worst of it. I then proceeded to reiterate the statement on my notice of me acknowledging that I see the restructuring occurring and that it must be difficult, but I was no longer interested in a company going through that. On my two-week notice, I had written I felt like my learning and growth in this job have been put on the back burner to meet the needs of production. While meeting the goals for this is important, winter is our slow season and this would have been a good opportunity to teach us how to properly do the work. I also have noticed only a certain few people ever go out on the job. The rest of us are left doing busy work in our shop and we are not learning. Let me preface this with the fact I am the ONLY woman on my crew at this job. In my notice, I had said I felt like my learning and growth here were put on the back burner because everyone else was concerned with getting the work done as quickly as possible. I said that this is our slow season and I felt they could have taken the time to teach me (and others who feel this way!) how to do the work. I also said I can't learn how to do it when they only send the same 3 or 4 people out on jobs, leaving the rest of us to do busy work in the shop. Well, my branch manager's response to this statement was "I am sorry you feel like you were not getting enough attention." All because all I wanted...was more training. He also brought up another event that I had written about that no one ever checked on me to see if I was okay after it. I won't get into the details to not give too much away. The event in the discussion was a near miss through no fault of myself or the other individual (but a failure of TRAINING) that could have killed someone. It, to be blunt, was traumatic. After it happened I went home and cried. It was terrible and someone could have died. He said because I did not come to him crying like the other individual he assumed I was fine, and gave me a nice and quick "sorry." So anyway, it's safe to say I am pissed. I have endured a lot of bullshit at this job from sexist comments to watching blatant favoritism before my eyes. I've had coworkers ask me if I was on the phone with my OB-GYN's office after getting off a personal call. They constantly ask me if I am pregnant if I don't feel well. We don't get PTO until after a year and no sick time. We also were told a few months ago after having tons of days off due to weather that there isn't a cap on how many hours we work, so we should work as much as we can in the summer to build a "nest egg" to compensate for the lack of hours in the winter. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I am done with this company and so happy my other job starts at the end of the month. Good riddance. submitted by qvxzytyc to antiwork [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 02:15 ArkArceus Tiger 3 Release Date Spy Universe #YRF #SalmanKhan #SRK #Tiger #Spy #Universe

submitted by ArkArceus to anime_manga [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 02:15 ArkArceus Tiger 3 Release Date Spy Universe #YRF #SalmanKhan #SRK #Tiger #Spy #Universe

submitted by ArkArceus to Pokemon_ [link] [comments]

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